I have created this Blog to show family and friends what chickens and animals I currently raise, what chickens and animals I'm interested in and to give buyers a way to view the background and breeding history of any chickens or animals I might sell.


My silkie chicks

So This is the one and only Silkie chick I've been able to hatch this summer. I sent off for at least three dozen eggs from different breeders and was only able to hatch this one cute little partridge chick. It wasn't easy, I had to pretty much do all of the "hatching" myself but I think it's going to make it. It's two days old in these pictures.

This is one of the splash chicks I recently got from back east. It's around 5-6 weeks old.

This is one of the blue silkies that got with the splashes. It's about 5-6 weeks old.


New big brooder

Here are some pictures of the new bigger brooder I've been working on this week.

I built a three foot perch on each side of the brooder for the chicks to hang out on.

This is when it was about 75% done.

These pictures show it at about 95% done. I just need to install the latches and hinges.

This was shortly after I put the Millies in. They really seemed to like the extra room.